Monday, January 16, 2006

A response from my Liberal MP


To those who are interested, below is a response from my liberal MP regarding her party's plans for Canadian drama. I've emailed the other candidates in my riding, but have recieved no response from them. If anyone else has gotten a response from the Liberals regarding this topic, I'm curious: is it similar? Have we been handed a form response and brushed to the side? I hope not.

If you're not in the entertainment industry, this probably is of no interest to you.

Dear Mr. Budd,

I think that arts and cultural products are an important expression of
Canadian values and make an important contribution to our national identity.
I believe that it is important that we support and encourage the development
of Canadian films and tv programs, and ensure that there is a strong
domestic and international audience to enjoy them.

Canadians are best served by a broadcasting system that offers an ample
supply of high-quality, distinctively Canadian content that enlightens,
entertains and informs citizens. It is this type of programming that brings
us together through common experiences. To achieve this, the Liberal
Government has developed a Canadian content strategy that will:

· Put more emphasis on high-quality Canadian content that reaches wide
audiences in the Francophone or Anglophone markets, and that tells Canadian
stories and reflects Canada in all its diversity;

· Put emphasis on funding Canadian drama, children’s programming,
cultural programming, and documentaries that reaches wide audiences;

· Provide the CBC with specific funding for the provision of high-
impact programming consistent with its public service mandate; and,

· Consider a number of measures to simplify funding in order to
provide greater economic efficiencies and improved priority setting.

Our Government’s funding for the CBC of $60 million in 2005-06 specifically
for the development of high quality programming, is an expression of this

In order to ensure efficient and effective practices for monitoring Canadian
content, the Liberal government will focus the mandate of the Canadian Audio-
Visual Certification Office and task it to conduct Canadian content
certification on behalf of federal agencies and programs.

The CRTC is the central body for regulating and overseeing the Canadian
broadcasting industry. The Liberal Government remains confident that the
CRTC has successfully helped the broadcasting system achieve its objectives.
However, in an era of constant change and emerging new challenges, the CRTC
should continuously and systematically review its regulatory policies and
regulations to determine if they are achieving their stated objectives, and
indeed whether those objectives remain valid over time. In this regard, the
Liberal Government will ask the CRTC to prepare annual reports concerning
the steps it has taken to streamline its rules, regulations and decision
making processes. Furthermore, the Liberal Government will explore whether
monetary penalties should be added to the CRTC's toolkit for ensuring
compliance with broadcasting regulations.

I hope this information is helpful to you and that I can count on your
support on January 23rd.


At 11:47 AM, Blogger Adam White said...

Did you know that BDSA also stands for:

2'-Biphenyl Disulfonic Acid
Bangladeshi Students' Association
Base de Dados Sísmicos dos Açores
Bataille Défensive pour la Suprématie Aérienne
Batch Distributed Sample Acquisition
Bazu Dannyh Scenariev Atak
Benzedine Disulphonic Acid
Best Domestic Society Award
Bharatiya Dalit Sahitya Akademy
Biologically Derived Succinic Acid
Bolton Disability Sports Association
Bombay Dyeing Showrooms' Association
Border Directory System Agent
Bottom Dollar Shopping Agent
British Dental Students Association
Brunei Darussalam Student Association
Building Distributed Software Architectures
Bundesverband der Dental-Software Anwender
Burlington Disabled Sports Association
Business and Defense Services Administration
Business Defense Services Administration
Business Development Services Fee Agreement
Business Documents and Systems Association

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Josh Budd said...

Yes, I did, and shame on you for doubting my knowledge of acronyms.

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Adam White said...

I only wish you would comment more on my blog.

Off topic, I saw Capote tonight. I was very impressed. What did you think?


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