Week 3 - I think the CFC stands for 'Could you Fucking Clarify?"
Or 'Centre For Confusion'.
Another week passed. Got some good news and some bad news.
I always like the bad news first. Better to build yourself back up after disappointment. I’ll just assume everyone else (the three people who read this) feel the same. I know James Frey will take the fact that he's been branded a liar and shove it in his vault behind his zillions of dollars. As they say, any publicity is good publicity...
First, the bad news: The CFC has chosen not to proceed with development of our pilot SELF HELP. To be honest, I’m surprised and confused. I was given every indication short of actual confirmation that we would at least get to the next step. Our producer was sent a very polite letter basically saying that our script was too ambitious (read: expensive) for their $200,000 budget. Further evidence of this: I know one project that they’ve chosen to move forward with centers around 1 character in a room without furniture – a show that (concept/story merits aside, as I’m not fully familiar) is basically Sri Lanka to our India in terms of scope.
The fact is it seems like we were turned down for reasons they told us to ignore. We knew from day one that our show was bigger than the 200K allowed, but they told us not to worry about it, that it ‘was putting the cart before the horse’. Their response was that “we shouldn’t think about production when working out the concept. Don’t tailor the scope to fit the parameters.” Okay, sounds good, but still seemed a little inconsistent. When I told them that we were consolidating scenes to save locations, they told me to stop, that ‘we shouldn’t hold back locations and characters – do what serves the story - it’s the idea that matters.’ Everything production-wise would be dealt with as the development process continues.
The direct advice from the mouth(s) of those making the decisions contradicts their reasons for making their decisions. Apparently, they also went with more reality-based programming, rather than serial or sitcom, which is what SELF HELP is. Because if there’s one thing we have a deficit of in Canada, it’s bad, derivative reality TV. I still refuse to ride the Go Train.
One of the things I find confusing about the entire CFC operation is that their ‘passionate mandate’ to be edgy and take risks seems to sit in a perpetual backseat to their hard-on for being conservative. This mentality is echoed in the SDF program, the FFP, and sadly, throughout Canada.
But, while I’ll admit that I was upset for ten minutes following the news, I’m now officially over it and moving on. You heard it here first. We’re still going to proceed with the re-write on the SELF HELP pilot. Our producer is apparently gung-ho to approach broadcasters on our own, still believes in the merits of the project, and I’m not quite ready to bury SELF HELP as a learning experience just yet. Now we certainly don’t have any parameters to fit into other than those inherent in the story – which is, ultimately, a relief. I’ll keep you posted if there’s anything to post.
And now, for the good news.
Apparently, a producer with a new green-lit show wants to meet with me. This is flattering, despite the fact that I assume they know nothing about me and want to meet solely because I’m a young guy with a low brow sense of humor and relevant facial hair. From what I gather, it would be a really good opportunity both financially and experientially (not that ad-land isn’t, but…). I cannot yet mention the project, and if anything progresses, I’ll certainly report, but I don’t want to put the cart before the horse…despite how well adhering to that cliché worked before.
A final note: I don’t believe in clouds with silver linings. I consider something positive coming from something negative to be two separate occurrences coincidentally linked by chronology. Otherwise, wouldn’t there be an inverse to that adage – that something bad always comes from something good? The fact that the two events occurred within the same week only saves me from writing one completely depressing post.
I received some excellent story notes on THE SPILL outline from some of my writer alums (notice I say some). Those who responded not only with honest and creative criticism but also with excellent solutions and suggestions have really made me proud to be a part of such a supportive group, and I look forward to being able to assist them with any of their projects in the future. I think that those who consistently don’t give notes but send their own projects out and ask for feedback will slowly learn that it’s a two-way street…and you can’t straddle the yellow line forever.
Rejuvenated by the notes and the freedom from the fallout, this weekend is dedicated to THE SPILL and SELF HELP – The former on Saturday, and the latter on Sunday.
Have a great weekend!